Antenna polarizáció | LHCP |
Rádió frekvencia | 5.8 GHz |
Csomag tartalma
1 x Antenna
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2022. 09. 29.
Igazolt vásárlás
Remekul csinalja a dolgat, az antenna also resze flexibilis, be tudtam hajtogatni a helyere, a felso vastagabb resz merevebb igy kello biztonsagot ad az antennanak.
It does the job perfectly, the part of the antenna is also flexible, I was able to fold it into place, the upper thicker part is more rigid and gives the antenna enough security.
It does the job perfectly, the part of the antenna is also flexible, I was able to fold it into place, the upper thicker part is more rigid and gives the antenna enough security.